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Megehee was invited by the FMCSA to participate in development of the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners NRCME in 2005. He was appointed as one of two chiropractic representatives to the 10 member NRCME Survey Working Integrated Project Team WIPT that developed the instrument for National Registry certification. Subsequently, he was appointed to the 10 member NRCME Education WIPT which constructed the core curriculum for the accredited physician training course. During his work on the Education WIPT, he assisted the NRCME Testing WIPT in writing test questions for the certification test. Dr. Megehee continues to assist with the NRCME program as a FMCSA National Registry Champion. Online Training accessible 24/7/365Accredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 301 304 12 hoursOr they are available for individual purchase:Accredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 301 3 hoursAccredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 302 3 hoursAccredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 303 3 hoursAccredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 304 3 hoursOnline Courses available now!Login to or if you have not registered with our site, click the register link in the left navigation panel and register with the siteOn your personal homepage, under Purchase Courses, click on the link for Online CoursesUse the Topic Filter and Select: Accredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical ExaminersSelect the Accredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners 301 304 course for 12 hours. Here is what to do:Login to OnlineCE. com and register for the training coursesRegister at the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners NRCME at . Once registered, you will receive a unique identification number. This 2 hour Online, On Demand, BasicMed exam physician training course is appropriate for DCs, DOs, MDs, ANP/NPs, PAs, Naturopathic, Podiatrists and other state licensed specialty physicians.

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thus , increasing the learning rate of the learners. 1. Briefly describe Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development. Jean Piaget conceptualized a theory about cognitive development. He divided cognitive learning into four stages. The first stage is The Sensorimotor stage wherein babies from birth to 2 years old would understand the world only through their senses. What they see, smell, taste, touch and hear. The second stage is The Preoperational thought. This stage takes place when a child turns two to seven years of age. The child starts to do some make believe plays, and use their imagination to create a world of their own. Although in this stage, they do not yet understand the concrete reality.
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