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xml file and save it to your desktop. Open the file with a text editor such as Notepad. Effective 11/06, Google, Yahoo!, and MSN will be using one standard for sitemaps. Below is a snippet of the standard code as listed at Sitemaps. org. Optional fields are lastmod, changefreq, and priority. The equivilant to the sitemap. xml file is the urllist. txt for Yahoo!. Technically you can call the file whatever you want, but all it really contains is a list of every page on your website. Here's a screenshot of my urllist.

Cerritos College Course Equivalency
Its called the bathtub effect. You are really creating a bathtub for your plants to swim in, which isnt what they need at all. Thats why when I was landscaping, and Ive landscaped a lot of homes, over 500, I never touched the soil that was there, I just put topsoil on top of the soil that was there to raise the beds. It takes a real detective to track down hardwood bark mulch because many of the people that sell it have no online presence at all and they do little advertising. They can be difficult to find. Call landscapers, garden centers and excavators. They know who the mulch dealers are. Many of these mulch dealers have 5, 6 or 8 different mulches to choose from so you really need to pay them a visit. If youve watched the video you know what to look for. Attwoods in Checotah, Oklahoma sells both Pine Bark Mulch and Pine Bark Nuggets. Ive used the mulch throughout my gardens and inside my greenhouse with great success.
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Q5. What is minimum efficient scale?What is likely to happen in the long run to firms that do not reach minimum efficient scale?Q6. State the law of diminishing marginal returns. Explain why the marginal cost of production must increase if the marginal product of a variable resource is decreasingQ7. Watch the following video clip Costs of prisons and answer the following questions. Why do you think the government worries about increasing number of prisoners?Explain your answer. b. Identify 2 fixed costs and 2 variable costs. What is the advantage of increasing the number of prisoners per prison?c. Identify 2 explicit costs and 2 implicit costs. Why are the implicit costs so important in this case?Q8.
Examination Card Answers
jaya wijaya di papua , peg. bukit barisan di sumatera, peg. meratus di kalimantan, serta peg. himalaya di india. Gunung lautGunung laut adalah gunung yang kakinya ada di dasar laut. Kadang kadang puncak gunung laut muncul tinggi di atas laut. Contohnya, Gunung Krakatau, Maona Loa di Hawaii. Gunung meletusGunung meletus merupakan peristiwa yang terjadi akibat endapan magma di dalam perut bumi yang didorong keluar oleh gas yang bertekanan tinggi. Magma adalah cairan pijar yang terdapat di dalam lapisan bumi dengan suhu yang sangat tinggi, yakni diperkirakan lebih dari 1. Cairan magma yang keluar dari dalam bumi disebut lava. Suhu lava yang dikeluarkan bisa mencapai 700 1.