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: Ah very interesting LGS I learned a lot again I met a red squirrel a little one. He came very close. Probably you belong to the grey ones?Never met oneJo,I think all Vancouverites are elementally a cheeky lot!Marja,I have to say that I know almost nothing about NZ squirrels. Since this is so well written and researched, I hesitiate to point out your Scots squirrel has a wee too much Irish in him, faith and begorrah!I have seen the Grey, the British Red and the local greys and Blacks. they seem very hesitant and shy around me, always running away and hiding when I try to make friends. The blacks up here seem bigger than the rest of their cousins. except maybe the British Red I saw. He was a big one, but I was also smaller then. Thanks for your good wishes and prayersLGS, word has it that your very excellent explanation of squirrelology has been given approval by the Squirrel Liberation Army. You should be very flattered, I heard they are planning to make you a commandant!blackcrag,Thank you for pointing out my mistake. A humbled squirrel learns a lesson.

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ODay does first note the importance of engaging in meaningful conversation for learning language: In addition, it would appear that EL students benefit from opportunities to engage in conversation and discussion in literacy lessons, most likely because such interactions provide practice for oral language development in a context of meaningful communication 108 109. ODay also noted the potential positive benefits of a balanced literacy program for English Language Learners, and says: I noted earlier the likely benefits of a balanced literacy program for EL students, in part because instructional differentiation is so integral to the approach. Grouping strategies, text selection, and specific activities to scaffold instruction e. g. , read alouds, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading were to be designed and implemented to respond to the needs of individual learners as they progressed toward independence in increasinglymore complex texts. Moreover, the emphases reported across the case study schools on teachers knowing their students well and documenting student progress was to provide the bases for matching instructional strategies to the needs of specific children at specific points in their development.
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Keep your daily schedule the same if possible. I learned with more routine schedules, I felt better. For example, wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day, eat meals at the same time, and similar. Of course, you're going to do different things each day, but atleast try to keep some kind of structure to your life. Getting involved in church is also helpful. Just know that the higher power in your life, whatever it may be for you, is in charge and expects you to let him do the worrying. It you're so young and having these problems. My attacks were so severe I stayed home for a month and at this point I'm doing excellent!Learn to tell yourself that "it will be over in a minute" instead of "I'm OK. " Of course, you don't feel OK, so why would you tell yourself that?Also, I know as teenagers, we experiment with drugs, etc. but drugs will intensify your panic attacks. I have to watch what prescriptions I take, because some make me panic.
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