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An abandoned freighter, stripped of its internal timbers and left on a small branch of the Nile near Mataria ancient Heliopolis, north of modern Cairo provides the first instance of pegged mortise and tenon joints in an Egyptian hull. Not all joints were through fastened, and the pegs, or treenails, may also have fastened frames to the hull, but for this marks a dramatic departure from previous shipbuilding techniques. Six boats of Middle Kingdom date were found at Dahshur. They are about 10 m long each. In 1893, French archaeologist Jacques de Morgan discovered six boats near the Middle Kingdom pyramid of Senusret III at Dashur. He made drawings and measurements of only one boat the White boat from the cache at Dahshur. One of the ships measure 18 meters. Excavations conducted in 1894 and 1895 by de Morgan at the funerary complex of Senusret III on the plain of Dahshur revealed five or six small boats. Today, only four of the "Dahshur boats" can be located with certainty; two are in the United States, one in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh and one in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. The remaining two are on display in The Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Since their excavation these boats remained relatively inconspicuous until the mid 1980s when a study of the two hulls in the United States was conducted.

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