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Some instructors may neglect the community aspect of their courses since they arent seeing and interacting with their students on a regular basis. But a community can be a crucial part of building a successful online learning program. Students need the support and motivation that a community can help provide. In this article Ill discuss why creating a community for your online course is important and several ideas for how to go about establishing and growing your course community. When you think of someone taking an online course, you probably imagine someone sitting at home on their couch or in a coffee shop with their laptop. Online learning can be a lonely experience for many students. Its just you and your computer, with headphones on, working through the course material. You have no idea what experiences your peers are having with the course or what kind of struggles they may be going through. You dont have any feedback as to how youre progressing. Having a sense of community for an online course isnt just a nice bonus feature to include. You should view it as something that plays an integral role in your students learning experience and their overall success.
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But the English weren't the only influential opinion makers for revolutionary Americans. The Scottish and the French were too. The Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, for example, has been linked by scholars as an Isaacson, Walter. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Simon and Schuster, 2000. It is George Washington who is usually referred to as the father of our American Nation. Benjamin Franklin, in contrast, more often than not takes on the status of the friendly and eccentric uncle, given his greater age, his propensity towards scientific experimentation and innovation as well as political action, and even his renowned fondness for making the turkey the American national bird, rather than the bald eagle. Although ranking the relative importance of the Founding Fathers of the nation may seem quixotic one at best, with perhaps Jefferson and Madison's role in framing our national view of constitutional rights and the federal responsibilities of the states ranking even higher than Washington, Isaacson makes a strong case for Benjamin Franklin's status as the spiritual and moral founding father of the American nation, and perhaps just as important, the American He uses numerous quotes from source docs, and he does not imply his conclusions, he spells them out. He also writes in a relatively easy to read style that is academic but not too pedantic, and so it is easy for the student to follow and understand. In the context of the course, this book ties in quite well. It explains a part of American history that has often been questioned, but not answered so effectively.
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