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"Diversity is about encouraging and enabling all employees to draw on their talents, skills, and experience for the benefit of the business. " Bruno, 2004 Schools that are diversity sensitive will more often be prepared for the competitive recruitment markets and thus attract higher potential students and employees. The school has implemented the necessary training that will bring the entire student recruitment process together. No matter what the level of need, a good diversity training program will maintain the most important aspects of the school's initiative. Diversity training has been proven to reduce the potential for misunderstandings, conflict and litigation which is often related to basic differences in communications and expectations. "All of the admissions staff has been .

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You didn't have to sell anything: they sold themselves. You helped them get what they wanted. Isn't that what you'd prefer to be doing?Obviously, the questions you use to "sell" are going to be unique to the products and services you provide. Remember that when people come to you, they are hungry for a solution. The questions you ask can help them define exactly what they need and, more importantly, what they want. Then you can take their order. Does this approach apply to selling less tangible and less immediately satisfying services and products?Imagine you're a financial advisor and you're having an initial conversation with a prospect. You could launch into an explanation of your services and the seven ways you help clients grow assets using a strategic mix of stocks, bonds, currency and commodities. If you did this you'd be likely to miss connecting with them. Or you could ask them a couple of questions to identify what they want. Most people have a common set of concerns related to managing their assets.
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It was a fun and engaging experience and the projects were great. The virtual environment seemed to provide some unique opportunities for the student not so different from a typical in person presentation. Here are 3 tips for architecture students to capitalize on in their virtual presentations this semester. In any presentation, the narrative is vital. What are you trying to tell your audience?Perhaps a presenter's most important question. If you're presenting virtually, in a powerpoint or slide format, the story you're trying to tell the jury is critical. What's your main idea?How is your project building on that premise?Keep it simple and clear. In a virtual setting, your points need to methodically build on one another. In an in person review, jurors can scan your work as you present. The pin up wall provides an expansive display of your thinking and work throughout the semester. It's easier to connect the pieces if something isn't clear or to react to something you have exhibited for the presentation.
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A formal partnership to address these needs on a city wide basis is an important step for everybody. The proposal called for a 15 member taskforce to be comprised of people representing the City of Turlock, Stanislaus State and the community. The city manager and University representatives will review applications and recommend prospective members for presentation to the City Council ratification. Applications will be accepted through 5 p. m. on October 5. The importance of this taskforce cannot be overstated, said Turlock City Manager Bob Lawton. By joining campus, city and citizens in common cause, we raise understanding and reduce the fear of the unfamiliar. I look forward to supporting the taskforces efforts toward greater community unity. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Melinda Denton, assistant professor of mathematics at Missouri State University West Plains MSU WP, recently was honored with the Missouri Council on Public Higher Educations Governors Award for Excellence in Education.