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She had all the strokes, and often what got in her way of winning was that she did not make the right choice of stroke for the occasion. I think I am at a point in my career where I have many choices in my repertoire for each teaching situation. Sometimes I do not take the time to think through which is the right choice for the occasion. I am finding it easy to excuse impulsive behavior by thinking of it as flexible behavior. Because I am an "in the moment" teacher, I need to pay attention to this more than I have been recently. I am grateful to you yesterday for reminding me of the importance of this dynamic in order for me to continue to be the teacher I imagine I would like to be!After this particular reflection, Kallick worked with the teachers to design their next session to better meet everyone's needs. Sharing parts of the reflection brought them to another level of understanding as they worked together in a learning community. Reflection can bring the same spirit of community to your classroom, too. Students also learn much when they see examples of reflection from other students' journals. You might want to cull a variety of examples to share. Here is a reflection from a group journal written by students from the Communications Academy at Sir Francis Drake High School in San Anselmo, California:Today our group spent most of the time reading articles and the ballot info pamphlet.
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The post How Well Will the Church Survive in This End Time Turmoil of Tolerance and Apostasy?appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Publishing Inc. The Berean Call Answers Questions About Anti Semitic TheoriesLTRP Note: As our editors and authors have expressed clearly for 18 years, Lighthouse Trails loves the Jewish people and believes that the nation of Israel has significance in Bible prophecy. We are grateful for The Berean Calls answer below. Over the last six years, four different sets of people Lighthouse Trails Readers have shown . The post The Berean Call Answers Questions About Anti Semitic Theories appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Publishing Inc. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. " Acts 4:12Assertive communication is the ability to express both positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way. It recognizes our own position and rights whilst still respecting the positions of others. More importantly it is key to building healthy relationships in our teams and workplaces. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming other people. And it fosters the constructive handling of conflict or disagreement to arrive at a mutually satisfactory conclusion.
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In the end, there is some mathematical calculation involved showing how to calculate weights and bias for each dense layer. Everything is mentioned with the help of proper calculations. There is a humble request to readers to follow me at quora as I answer a lot of questions there. Below is my quora link. Along with that you may also see some of the images on Pinterest. Frameworks such as tensorflow, caffe, pytorch or keras are hot burning topics these days.
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ice cream?So a more accurate way of counting a persons number of hobbies would be his number of sub hobbies in every hobby group. wonder that you couldnt find something interesting from all the 50 most popular list!you can refer to the bigger list for more entertaining ones: like cosplay a friend got me into it, chasing storms, chasing fancy cars, playing with stuffed animals, wolves, and music. every one should have one hobby, so that wen ever they want to to kill time it a great thing to back upon instead of keeping your mind empty. everyone should have one hobby:I have many many hobbies, I have had to cut back a lot overtime. I to read mysteries, syzygy and true crime,sew,quilt,crochet,knit,macrame,camp,travel,learn languages,make jewelry,raise a rabbit,raise cats,write pen pals,swim,body surf,go to movies, watch black and white movies, cook,make candy, bake cookies and cakes, make fancy Christmas cookies,as for sewing I have sewn for myself my children and spouse, I have sewn for community theatre, and made costumes for my children and co workers. I have also sewn for other families. I get very tired now at 61 years old. i have had a major heart attack. I sometime envy all of this. If i want to pick up somethinglike I would to build one of those wood models of buildings you guys get there I cant because its unavailable here. I could go visit friends but the public transport big timeIll probably have to climb onto some guys face if I take a bus, then theres the robbers, who shoot first steal later.