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5 percent of the funding needed for Ohio's public education. In Missouri, approximately 27. 3 cents of every dollar spent on the Lottery benefits education programs; 61. 6 cents goes back to players as prizes, 5 cents is used for administrative costs and 6. 1 cents goes to retailers in the form of commissions, incentives and bonuses. In all, more than 93 cents of every dollar stays in Missouri. It's different for every state, but the lottery is very beneficial despite the few problems it can cause to some, in the form of gambling addictions. Most folks buy instant scratch off tickets, and if they don't win anything, they throw the tickets in the trash. Did you know that every time you throw a losing instant lottery ticket in the trash, you are throwing money away ?Yes, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of folks around the world that would to buy your tickets from you. I have seen losing lottery tickets sell for as high as $15 each, these were tickets that had no redeemable value. I once went to a local convenience store and asked them if I could have a bag of losing instant lottery tickets I saw they had on the floor behind the counter.
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