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Create a pool of learning, experiences and slices of life as you meet and interact with different characters. Draw inspiration from their funny side and incorporate bits of it into your own behavior to showcase your sense of humor in its full glory. Exercise discretion in picking the right type of TV shows or movies to watch and broaden your humor horizon. Avoid too many Chaplinesque slapstick or cheesy romantic comedies. Instead focus on films and TV shows that play on intelligent, sarcastic, witty and subtle humor. From Woody Allen films to Chris Rock characters, from Monty Python and the Holy Grail films to Little Miss Sunshine type alternative and witty cinema, try to soak in a wide range of humor. Well written iconic TV shows like The Big Bang Theory, Friends, South Park, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld and The Simpsons are rife with plots that show how everyday mundane situations can be infused with wit and humor. Watching stand up comedy is an invaluable way to learn the about the body language associated with humor and satire. Witnessing humor live is all about sensing the reaction and pulse of an audience. By being a part of a live performance, it is easier to understand the finer nuances of what makes people smile, smirk, tickle or bend over with laughter. If your city or town does not play host to stand up comedy nights, the acts of international comedy maestros like Adam Hills, Bill Cosby, Kathy Griffin, Russell Peters, Dane Cook, Larry the Cable Guy or their likes can also be seen on YouTube or DVD.
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D. IMPEDIMENTS IN PROMOTING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AMONGSTUDENTS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE . V. Suntharesan, Ph. D. Writing Problems among the Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh: A Study in Chittagong Region . Shakila Mustaque, M. A. in English and M. A. in ELTA Sociolinguistic Study of Social Stratification in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Academic Performance in English at Secondary Level Education .
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