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The protocol provides guidelines for supporting and empowering online nontraditional doctoral students to promote the graduation of these students and reduce attrition rates. Anita Samuel Kelsey LarsenRonald CerveroLauren Maggio Online programs are growing in number, and their success and sustainability are dependent on the quality of the courses they offer. Online program administrators need to ensure the quality of individual courses and the program as a whole. While several course quality rubrics and evaluation instruments are available, administrators need to select an instrument that would best suit the needs of their institution. In addition, administrators need to get faculty "buy in" of the process to ensure its sustainability. This paper presents a participatory approach to developing a course quality rubric and designing a review process at the individual course level and the programmatic level.

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If a student believes there has been an error in the evaluation process, or believes the final unit evaluation does not accurately reflect their performance, the student may speak informally with the Year One Curriculum Director to find a resolution. The student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review. To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Year One Curriculum Director with a written document that outlines the basis for the request. Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 10 working days of the official recording of the intermediate evaluation. The Year One Curriculum Director will consider the request for review, will consult with appropriate faculty members and/or the Year One Doctoring Director, and will issue a written decision to the student on the request. The Year One Curriculum Director must respond to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the formal request for review. Should the student wish to have further review of the Year One Curriculum Directors decision, a written request for evaluation review will be submitted to the Chair of the SPC within 10 working days of the decision of the Year One Curriculum Director. The Chair of the SPC must respond, in writing, to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review. The decision of the Chair of the SPC will be submitted as the final evaluation. All students shall be entitled to ask for review of a Unit grade and receive a timely response. All Unit faculty members shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.
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It seems that culture is most often used in 4 different ways:2. As a comparative descriptor, such as when praising a group of people affiliated with a certain society as having superlative values: French culture, Western culture, progressive culture. 3. To ascribe primitive or regressive traits to a group of people who are united on the basis of some practices or beliefs or mutual recognition of identity: Muslim/Islamic culture, Black culture, Masculine culture, etc. 4. To describe a set of negative practices that people abide by or embrace wittingly or not, and therefore become part of that group: A culture of: consumerism, terrorism, narcissism, violence. Over a decade ago, at the first philosophy conference I attended after receiving my doctorate, my excitement melted into despair as I heard the keynote speaker, a white feminist philosopher of some renown, painstakingly describe how Palestinians and other Muslim cultures were more prone to a culture of terrorism than those in Western societies. It seemed to link violence to a population while avoiding references to biology, ontology, or nature. And in forging this link, the keynote speaker indicated that these actions were compulsive, driven by the culture to which said people belong. This kind of deployment of culture is striking for its complete bifurcation from a discussion of historical, geopolitical, economic, social, legal structures: what is the history of Palestine or Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc?What are the material, geopolitical, social circumstances in which certain men and women engage in certain specific practices?What are the legal structures that punish certain men and women for acts of violence while retaining a blind eye towards others?How do we construe violence or terrorism, when lone individuals or groups associated with non state entities who blow up cafes become the prime figures of terrorism and if they survive, will most certainly face punishment at the hands of government or military forceswhile other figuressurrounded by government security personnel as they instruct others to deploy drones against certain persons in Yemen selected by a computer algorithmare hailed as heroes and voted repeatedly back into positions of power?All this, while those who provide legal validation for such practices are elevated to the nations highest courts the most recent example being, of course, David Barron?Such a disarticulation from a discussion of underlying structures entrenches the belief that these practices are inherent perhaps uniquely so to the group with whom they are associated. So, to talk of a culture of violence suggests that there is a set of violent practices that constitute the fabric of a society, bringing that very society together as a unit, which that society or some part at least doesnt necessarily question, criticize, or challenge.
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In the contrary case, man will be reborn in heaven or reborn as man, he will belong lived, possessed of beauty, influence, noble descent and knowledge"cf. M. 135. For the above 10 fold advantageous and disadvantageous course ofaction, see kamma patha. For the 5 heinous crimes with immediate result,s. nantarika kamma. "Owners of their karma are the beings, heirs of theirkarma, their karma is their from which they are born, their karma is theirfriend, their refuge. Whatever karma they perform, good or bad, thereof theywill be the heirs" M. 135. With regard to the time of the taking place of thekarma result vipka, one distinguishes, as mentioned above, 3 kinds ofkarma:The first two kinds of karma may be without karma result vipka,if the circumstances required for the taking place of the karma result aremissing, or if, through the preponderance of counteractive karma and their beingtoo weak, they are unable to produce any result. In this case they are called ahosi kamma,lit.
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