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As a result, power systems that use the earth as a grounding voltage read: all of them no longer work properly, which can disrupt power delivery to large areas. Earths atmosphere and magnetic field shield the surface from any direct effects of a solar flare. Generally, terrestrial communication such as cell phone networks 2G, 3G, and 4G, TV and radio broadcasting, and Wi Fi arent affected much by solar storms, if at all. However, if the power grid goes down for extended periods, so too will wireless networks and cell phone towers. And good luck switching on your TV or radio. So how can we prepare for the very real possibility of the big onea colossal solar storm hitting the earth in the next few years?Satellite owners including the government can do two things: first, they can harden their birds to be resistant to radiation, which can be expensive. Second, when data suggests a solar flare is about to strike, they can switch off as many systems as possible on the satellites, since typically theyre more likely to fail when energized. Power plants have a much more troublesome dilemma in the event of a major storm. Faced with a potentially massive blackout that could last for days or weeks, they may need to contemplate a rolling, controlled blackout for the duration of a massive solar flare. A controlled blackout is much better than a power outage that takes weeks or months, says Hesse. If you know in advance, you can bring down the load.

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That little article turned into one of my most popular articles for reprint in other publications. You've decided what publication and what type of article you are going to write. What next?Research. One word of caution about research. Make sure you have a specific ending to your research. Some writers spend huge amounts of time in research and never sit down and write the article. How will you collect the information for your article?Will it come from your personal experience?Will you need some stories from other people?Will it involve library research for statistics?Sometimes a story will require interviewing several people or one person. While this article is not about interviewing, make sure you prepare as much ahead of time before the interview with your questions. Also use a recording device for the actual interview. I have a small micro cassette player which is almost immediately forgotten by the person that I'm interviewing. Any number of times, I've had people lean closer to me speaking closer into the machine and say, "I've never told this to anyone.
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Last, First M. Article title. Journal Title. Series vol. , no. , Year Published, page numbers. Website URL. Date Month Year Accessed optional. Marsh, Joanne, and Gill Evans. Generating Research Income: Library Involvement in Academic Research. Library and Information Research vol.
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CHARACTER COUNTS!is religiously and politically neutral. The six core values are Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. In mid November, the 30 winners and finalists will be honored virtually at the annual Provident Salierno Family Foundation Awards. The winners and finalists were chosen by the CHARACTER COUNTS!review committee to represent each of the Six Pillars of Character. A video highlighting the winners and finalists will be posted on TCOEs website tcoe. org/KidsOfCharacter, YouTube Channel, and social media platforms. Through the generous support of the Provident Salierno Family Foundation, students honored each year receive a scholarship. For more information on CHARACTER COUNTS!in Tulare County, visit tcoe. org/CharacterCounts, or contact Kelley Petty at . by Susanne J. GrossmanThe importance of an internship experience cannot be overstated.