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At ten miles we again met with thick forest and scrub. I then changed my course to get out of it, and struck the small water shed running to the east of south. Following it generally for two miles on a northerly course, we met with a little rain water. Continued the same course through a thick forest and scrub for three miles and a half to get through it if possible. At this point it becomes denser than ever. Sent Thring to climb to the top of a tree, from which he saw apparently a change in one of the low scrubby rises, which appeared to be not so thickly covered with scrub as the others. I directed my course to it, 30 degrees east of north, to examine it. I observe that there is some sandstone in the low scrubby rises, which leads me to hope that I may not be far from a change of country. On this last course we travelled three miles, through a dense thicket of hedge tree, when I observed some large gum trees bearing 320 degrees, and decided to examine them before leaving the rise. As I approached nearer to it I again sent Thring to climb a tree to see if there was any change. He could see nothing but the same description of forest and scrub.

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You see a lot of those in agriculture. But, that name likely wont stick. RTN and RTK nomenclature seems to be similar to the GNSS and GPS nomenclature. Its hard, at least for me, to shake old habits. The ever astute Michael beat me to the punch on the numbers and the acronyms. Geologically speaking, compared to the rest of the continental US, California is a rocket ship.
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He said it was challenging to discuss legal issues without guidance from lawyers in another executive session. "Why we need to rush this and do exactly the wrong thing moving forward to save us two weeks on this, and not move at our pace, the city's pace, is inexplicable to me," he said. The council is working on a major rewrite of its alcohol code in anticipation of sales, but under the current code, Bethel Native Corp. 's proposed location for Bethel Spirits is too close to a school, said council member Zach Fansler. He was referring to the school within Bethel Youth Facility, a juvenile detention center across the highway from Kipusvik, Bethel Native Corp. 's largely empty retail center where it wants to open the liquor store. The council discussed in the earlier executive session maintaining the protest, then once the alcohol code is changed to remove some of the restrictions, consider new liquor applications, he said. The city needs to follow its own rules, Albertson said. But others on the council, which shifted in the October election to a majority in support of sales, said they agreed with the mayor that the city needed to end its fight. "The people of Bethel have officially spoken," said new council member Alisha Welch. "We need to respect their views and give the applicants a fair chance by withdrawing the protests in order to allow the ABC Board to do its job.
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Security classified records of the Pacific Air Forces, consistingof Southeast Asia "Project Checo" air operations reports, 1967;reports on the history of the 7th Air Force's U. S. Support ActivitiesGroup, 1973 75; comments on proposed changes to Pacific Air Forcesregulations and procedures manuals, 1966 74; operational analysisreports, 1965 68; and a report on force reduction planning, 1968. Records of the 8th Air Force, consisting of correspondence relatingto the readiness and reliability of Strategic Air Command forces andequipment, 1964 68; and a record set of superseded or rescinded AirForce publications, 1963 67. Security classified records of the SeventhAir Force, consisting of combat operations reports from the 355thTactical Fighter Wing; and reports on 12th Tactical Fighter Wing missions,1966 69. Security classified Southeast Asia equipment operationalrequirements modification case files for the Seventh Air Force. Security classified reports on the history of the 4th Tactical FighterSquadron, 432nd Tactical Fighter Wing, 1970 75. Security classifiedmixed files relating to various USAF combat operations and otheractivities during the Vietnam War, 1961 77. Security classifiedrecords of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, under theCommander in Chief, Pacific Air Forces CINCPACAF, consistingof daily and weekly statistical reports and summaries on air combatoperations, 1968 74; aircraft loss or accident reports, 1968 73;and Pacific Air Forces PACAF emergency actions file, 1966 74. 342. 14 VIDEO RECORDINGS GENERAL 1991Armament deliveries, Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm,Kuwait, 1991, unclassified 110 items and security classified295 items.