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For personal machines, please visit regent. edu/office365. Faculty and Staff: All computer labs on campus have Minitab installed. For other computers on campus, please install Minitab from Software Center. For personal machines, please submit the form located here. Students: All computer labs on campus have Minitab installed.

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6 to work with it2Tier 1 update now removes links from articles3 4 article websites fixed, 2 added, 3 removed1Added a feature to remove titles not containing keywords2A module has been added to generate uniques from spun articles3Any site scraper and advanced scraper have been tweaked1GSA multi project creator has been added for premium users. 2WAC database has more articles added and re indexed for better searches1 Tier 1 titles removed from MS, Senuke and UD campaign2 A lot of crashing caused by some text fixed for good3 Tier 1 can now have %links% tag and can build multiple articles at once4 Any Site Scraper added as a separate program so that WAC is not disturbed5 Another premium database of over 800,000 articles according to their niches have been added we just bought somebody's database from BHW 6 Free translation for upto 10 languages where you don't need any google, yahoo or bing service. We will provide it for free to premium users. You will find a translation tab in auto build window if you are an upgraded user. 1 We have added a right click find/replace in scraper which will replace any word2 You can now build multiple articles in Tier 1 and select spinning type too. 3 Categories has been manually added to GSA categories section. Now it won't scrape from ezine but it will add from local database. 4 Tier 1 HDD works in a different manner now. It will be made better in 3. 45 Various other bug fixes have been done for UD, Senuke and GSA campaigns. 1 quick access panel bug fixed where it just sits and does nothing after downloading2 Tier 1 made much better and more unique all paragraphs will now have atleast 25 variations and you can now work with minimum of 30 articles even though 50 should be good supply3 Proxy connection issue solved for atleast 3 companies proxy hub, proxyelite.
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As a learning organization we cant stop. We are continually changing and innovating. I believe that todays community college presidents should be in deep and strategic communication with the community. We need to motivate and inspire and manage the change that needs to occur so they are working in tandem together. Current LCCC students, who met with Ballinger the afternoon of April 8, heard the candidates plans if she is to become the next president of the college. Ballinger said she is interested in creating a student advisory council that works directly with the president. This would consist of a group of individual students who would work with presidents office to address student concerns, giving the head of the college a firsthand account of the students experiences on campus. Ballinger also added that this council would assist with the need for transparency between the administration, faculty and staff, and students. Ballinger also relayed to students that she intends to improve faculty evaluations, which are filled out by students at the end of the semester for each individual instructor that student has. Currently, the evaluations are used as a method of advancement for full time faculty. She believes that these evaluations could be repurposed to better serve the LCCC community.
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Yog is the Ecstacy of Expanded Awareness. Bereft of thought, devoid of breath, no thought, no breath. Yog is the total fusion with God; Yog is the total fusion of the soul with the spirit. Learn Kriya Yoga from a Living Master: Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath oga has been the solution for every health problem known to man. There has been a tremendous growth in the popularity in practicing Yoga world over. People are noticing the benefits of practicing daily Yoga. They are especially amazed by the efficiency with which they can become fitter, healthier by undergoing the least taxing of all the exercises. Any Yoga, be it Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Ashthanga Yoga has the same amount of effect in benefiting the body. The entire needs of the body are met by Yoga and so practicing Yoga has become the latest Health Buzz. Yoga has been developed throughout the years to be practiced by individuals to make their lives better. But times, they sure have changed and so now we have many people working on irregular time shifts, following irregular diets amidst taxing life styles.