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Let us know if we missed out on any point, on either side. The Haryana government recently announced that it would change the name of Gurgaon to Gurugram and Mewat to Nuh. While everyone is already pointing out the uselessness of such name changes, we thought it would be a good idea to also include the logic behind the name change and bring to you an overall neutral perspective. Here it is. We at Neutral News are neither for nor against changing the names of cities. We simply want to present all perspectives, so that you can draw your own conclusions. Until Bihar passed the prohibition law, Gujarat was the only other major Indian state that had this in place others being Nagaland and parts of Manipur; source. Let us put together the logic supporting alcohol ban as well as the reason why a ban like this makes little sense. We at Neutral News are neither for nor against prohibition in a state. The thought is undoubtedly noble, but the question remains: is the administrative machinery of a state equal to the task?We simply want to present both sides of the story and leave it to you to decide. Well, high school career, that is.

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Note: Similarly, it is up to your discretion as to whether to capitalize the middle word in a hyphenated, three word modifier. While APA prefers it be capitalized, it often looks better uncapitalized. Oftentimes, random words such as "Spaghetti Squash" are capitalized in an article. "Spaghetti squash" is a common noun and should not be capitalized. If youre ever unsure about whether or not something should be capitalized, Wikipedia and Merriam Webster are usually spot on and can be used to answer any questions. From APAs page on Racial and Ethnic Identity: Whenever possible, use the racial and/or ethnic terms that your participants themselves use. Be sure that the racial and ethnic categories you use are as clear and specific as possible. For an in depth guide to the spelling and capitalization of racial and ethnic terms, check out the APA Style page on Racial and Ethnic Identity. "God" and "He" should be capitalized when they refer to the singular Judeo Christian god, as in "In the Old Testament, God has a lot of opinions. " When "god" is used to refer to any other god, it is usually not capitalized, as in "I sketched the god Shiva" or "I was doing research on Greek gods. "It is perfectly reasonable to capitalize the common name of a species.
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and Billieux, J. 2014. Internet Addiction: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Research for the Last Decade. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2025: 40264052. Kzero 2013. Virtual World and MMO Universe Chart: Tween/Teen segment for Q3 2013. Retrieved from ang, A. , Dhillon, K. and Dong, Q. 1995. The effects of emotional arousal and valence on television viewers cognitive capacity and memory.
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Adjusting between weekends and work days can also wreak havoc on their sleep schedules. Humans are wired to sleep at night by their circadian rhythm, a 24 hour cycle that brings about physical, mental and behavioral changes in the body. The circadian rhythm affects sleep cycles, hormone releases, body temperature and various processes. "If you're trying to alter your natural body rhythm, we don't adjust perfectly to that," said Dr. Nancy Collop, director of Emory Clinic Sleep Disorders Center. Even when night shift workers try to sleep eight hours during the day to be ready for work, they don't get enough sleep, she said. When Jones, the nighttime trucker based in South Amboy, New Jersey, has a stretch of eight hours in the daytime to sleep, his body won't allow him. "I will wake up after four hours," he said. "I'm wide awake. I can't go back to sleep. That has to do with the sun is out and the birds are singing.