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Narratives of a specific course or teaching innovation should have a base in pedagogical theories and offer strong evidence of learning outcomes. Instructional articles should include sufficient evidentiary base to support the validity of their conclusions. Typically, more than one instance of curriculum delivery should evaluate the evidentiary base. Articles should not identify individuals. For detailed guidelines on instruction articles, see our Guidelines for Pedagogy Papers at our electronic submission site . Reports: As a publication of ACSP, reports of general importance to ACSP and its membership are welcome and serve as a record of the organizations actions and ideas. Eligible materials might be reports of ACSP study commissions and general addresses given at ACSP conferences. The JPER editors will ordinarily invite entries in the Reports section and subject them to a limited review process. Commentary: Essays addressing current issues and developments in planning education or scholarship fit the Commentary section. Speculative arguments may be acceptable if the editors consider them convincing, important, or provocative. Commentary manuscripts should not exceed 4000 words.

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This program is administered by OIT with the feedback and collaboration of ND Learning. Find out more about eligibility criteria including room capacity limitations and request support here. Permanent seat assignments in classrooms are critical to the contact tracing process. All usable seats have been numbered. Instructors should remind students each class meeting during the add/drop period Aug 10 Aug 17 to report their seat location to the Coronavirus Response Unit CRU using here. nd.
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For information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact Corporate University, Attn: NASBA Representative Ava Livas, Room A 3025, 3501 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22226 703 562 2463. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy NASBA as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBARegistry. orgThe Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training IACET . The FDIC complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices.
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It was an ironic twist for McCoy, whose 2011 season ended when hesuffered a serious concussion on a helmet to helmet hit by Steelers linebackerJames Harrison. ''You've got to be smart about it,'' he said. ''You're talking about a brain. I don't want to be 50 years old and not rememberplaying in the NFL. I'd much rather sit out five minutes of a game than riskthe long term effect. '' ith eliminating head injuries a league priority, Weeden said it'scritical for players to take it upon themselves to protect their health. Theleague has a strict protocol to follow once a player sustains a concussion, andWeeden feels the most important step is to be truthful. ''You just have to be honest,'' he said. ''There's several stepsyou've got to work out. You've got to run, you've got to do some tests, you'vegot to do some things. There's a long laundry list of things you've got to do,but the main thing is just be honest and tell them what your symptoms are andtell them how you feel.
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The glorified update follows the pattern established in 2019, where a major update hit during the spring, and something that felt a whole lot like a cumulative update arrived in the autumn. While the approach might be a little frustrating for Windows enthusiasts, those looking for stability on the desktop will welcome a repeat of the approach certainly after the mayhem unleashed by the infamous Update of the Damned back in 2018. Things are altogether more sober this time around, and many of the toys lurking in the update are likely already on users' PCs, requiring only a flick of a switch from Microsoft to activate them rather than a bandwidth destroying download. That's assuming, of course, those PCs are on the Nice list: as before, Microsoft is "throttling availability" and restricting devices to which the update is offered. As for what is actually in it, other than the new Edge, there isn't a huge amount. The Start Menu has been given a of paint, as Microsoft gingerly applies dressings to the self inflicted wounds of Windows 8, Alt+Tab will flick through Edge tabs as well as apps and logos on notifications will make it easier to identify where they are from. The overall interface has been polished up a bit, but nothing that will frighten the horses, with minor improvements when the screen is detached on 2 in 1 devices, and a decluttering of the taskbar for new logins. These "H2" updates tend to attract the attention of the commercial world since not only do they benefit from the fixes rolled out after the "H1" release, they also enjoy 30 months of servicing longer for a Long Term Servicing Channel version rather than the 18 months of the latter. This time around, those commercial customers saw updates to the Mobile Device Manager MDM with a Local Users and Groups policy that gives administrators the same options as on premises Group Policy, a more secure biometric sign on and beefed up protection for Microsoft 365 and Edge via the Windows Defender Application Guard. Despite the lengthy gestation of the build and the fact that much of the codebase is shared with May's update, there are still issues. One, where Windows throws up an error during the installation of third party drivers, has been resolved, while others related to Conexant drivers remain.